The Father Formula
"The Smart  Man's Alternative."

Our services

We know exactly what you’re going through... 

We’ve experienced the exact same things that you’re currently going through and no one appears to have any interest in anything that you have to say.

We know that you want to get control of your situation without having a bunch of lawyers, police officers and district attorneys dictating how you should behave with your family. We know the kind of gut-wrenching pain that you feel when you don’t get to see your children, when you have to live like a pauper in an apartment while everyone else gets to live it up in the house that you’re paying for.

To make matters worse, we know that you’re paying through the nose for child support (and alimony) while your wife seems to be living the “high life”. Let’s not forget how “great” if feels to find out that your wife is dating her own 'Mr. Wonderful'. Where did this guy come from? How did she get together with someone so fast?? Yep, your children are like a guest in your home and you feel like the world is just crashing down around you.

Can it get much worse than this??

Believe it or not - there is a solution…

Men do the same dumb things over and over and over again when it comes to divorce situations. They
 react to the stuff that comes to them like a soldier whose trapped in a foxhole. The artillery just rains down on them and they just let it happen. This is no way to win a war. Don’t kid yourself; a divorce is nothing short of your own personal war. There are a lot of common mistakes that men make when they are dealing with their separations. These mistakes are always emotionally and financially costly.

Now we aren't going to get all self-righteous and tell you that we had it figured out from the beginning. In fat, we did NOT have it figured out at first either. We have probably made every mistake in the book when it comes to our own separation and divorce situations. There were child support obligations that we could not afford, restraining orders placed against us, and hostile ex-wives that would not let us see our children.

We have experienced the common foul-ups that men always do and now we want to help you handle things in a much better way.

Remember ....
  • You do NOT have to be financially ruined.
  • You do NOT have to be emotionally crushed.
  • You do NOT have to become a stranger to your children.
  • You do NOT have to worry about whether or not you are going to end up in jail.
  • You do NOT have to pay thousands and thousands of dollars to get things resolved.

“The heart of a father is the masterpiece of nature.”
~Abbé Prévost, Manon Lescaut

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