The Father Formula
"The Smart  Man's Alternative."


How much does this incredible service cost?

It costs $2.99 per minute. Time is billed only after you begin speaking with your divorce advocate and you're not charged for the time spent gathering information about your situation.

Wait, that’s $180.00 per hour- Why so much?

Because it’s freakin' worth it!

You've probably already spent in the neighborhood of $105.00 to $175.00 per hour in a couples counselors office.

Did you get any results? 

If you're like the vast majority of people, the answer is "NOOOOOOO".

You're also looking at paying between $120.00 and $500.00 per hour for an attorney who is not going to do what you expect them to do. You’ll get a lot of promises at the outset, but when it comes down to it, you’re going to be “encouraged” to settle with your spouse.

When you work with us, you get results:

Because when you sign-on with PDA, you pay only for benefits. We personally guarantee that each one of your calls to us will be helpful for you and your situation. You won’t find that kind of offer in the office of any lawyer's or couples-counselor's office. So, when you use your divorce advocate on a continuing basis, you have much to gain and little to lose.


And if you're really poor (heck, you wouldn't be the first) you should give us a call anyway. We're very busy, but we'll try to help you out some way regardless of your financial situation. We take great pride in getting marriages back together or keeping our male brethren from getting fleeced by the family law system

How long does each call last?

Generally about 30 minutes. Our mission is to give you all of the information that you need and not ‘pad’ calls and waste your time.

How many calls will I need?

It will take you about 6-10 calls to get yourself started on the road to success. If you've just separated from your wife, this may be all you need. If things have gotten 'ugly' then you're going to need to work a little longer at it.

What exactly do you do?

We coach you through "The Program"  

The Program is a comprehensive and proven system that involves effective psychological techniques, clever legal maneuvers, and brilliant emotional triggers that puts your ex "back into your camp". Whatever your plans are, this is essential. If you want to get "another chance" with your marriage, or if you simply want your ex to be accommodating with the proceedings again, we have what you need.

It's a multi-part approach that also takes care of your legal, emotional, and financial needs in a clear and effective way.

Through a series of phone calls, E-mailings, and written correspondence with you, we walk you through a step-by-step method of stopping your divorce or completing it in a very low-cost and amicable way.

Doing The Program requires absolutely no initial cooperation from your wife. Even if she calls you every name in the book and thinks that you're a total bastard, the psychological toolset will eventually bring her around to your way of thinking.

Do you offer a guarantee?

You bet we do! 

We stand by what we teach. If, after getting your coaching and follow-up material you’re not happy with the advice that you received, let us know and your next call is free. 

If you're still not happy with the information that you've received, we'll refund the entire cost of your last two calls. 

Remember, when you ask for a refund, you don't have to jump through hoops; you don't get the “third degree”, and you're not subject to water tortures. You just get a friendly and cheerful refund.

Why can't I just retain an attorney and let him take care of it?

The answer is because he can't,  "Just take care of it".

Attorneys work in a system where they are constantly having to cover their backsides. They have  to protect themselves from other attorneys, they have to protect themselves from getting in trouble with the bar association, and they even have to be wary of their very own clients.

Divorce attorneys are trained to write a bunch of official-looking letters and initiate impressive-sounding communication with other divorce attorneys. But when it's all said and done, they tell you that you're going to be 'better off'  working things out over the kitchen table  with your ex.

For a telling look at a divorce lawyer's perspective click here to read a letter written by  a prominent divorce attorney. What’s described here is fairly typical of what most people experience when they retain an attorney.

Can you help me find other services like paralegals, hourly attorney services, mediators, and the like?

Yes we can! We have resources ready for our California callers, but our superb researchers can find the professional services that you need regardless of where you live.

Can’t I just do this myself?

Sure you could - but you’d first have to master the 2200 hours of relationship material that we’ve studied, tested, and implemented. You would also have to re-do the numerous field studies that we’ve done. Those alone would take you about four years and cost tens of thousands of dollars. By the time you did all that, you'll be divorced and poverty-stricken.

What hours are you available?

You can book appointments any time of the day or night, because you never know when you’re going to have to deal with emergencies. I should warn you that we're very busy and you might have to wait for a good 'spot' on the calendar. We go out of our way to accommodate your schedule, even if that  means talking to you in our pajamas.  

Do you offer any discounts?

You can save 10% on all of your calls by keeping a $300.00 balance in your account. We'll extend the same 10% discount for anyone who keeps a credit card on file with us. We also run periodic 'specials' a few times per year. 

Do you have anything that will help me with my immediate problems?

As a matter of fact we do!

We realize that the first inclination when dealing with a separation the natural inclination is to find a “good” lawyer right away. We also realize that there are men who don't have the foresight to try our service before they waltz into an attorney's office. We'd like to offer you an alternative to just hiring the first attorney you come across.

So, we’ve got a booklet called “How to Represent Yourself in Court Without an Attorney” that will serve as an excellent guide for getting you instantly up to speed on how to handle your immediate problems without spending a fortune on retaining an attorney. 

This booklet is a MUST READ before you hire a family law attorney. The best part is that this booklet is absolutely FREE!! 

Go to our Contact Page, send us a message and you'll receive this invaluable pamphlet in just a few days.

How long have you been helping people?

We've been saving marriages and helping those in trouble since 1994.

Why don’t you recommend retaining an attorney?

Notice that we didn't say, "Don't get any legal advice", or "Figure out all the legal stuff yourself."  We actually do recommend using attorneys (by the hour), we just don't recommendretaining an attorney.

The problem with retaining an attorney is that when you do, you turn over all of your control to the attorney and they're only trained to do things in an adversarial way. Baaad!

An attorney working off of a retainer is going to charge between between $120.00 and $500.00 per hour and they're not going to do what you expect them to do. You’ll get a lot of promises at the outset, but when it comes down to it, you’re going to be “encouraged” to just settle with your spouse. You're going to be left with a feeling of "Why the heck did I pay that guy so much money?"

Worse yet, your lawyer will create a lot of anger and hostility with the worthless correspondence that takes place between your attorney and your wife's attorney. The most damaging part of this activity is that you'll be instructed to do things that will completely piss-off your wife for no reason whatsoever.

Also, her attorney will also be handling her case in ways that seems utterly outrageous to you.

All of this useless back-and-forth "negotiation"  will create a lot of bad feelings for both of you, which means you'll begin to hate each other. (Even if you didn't from the outset)

Ultimately you'll be told that you need to 'settle' things with your wife, take what you can get, and that there is not going to be any sort of remedy in the courts.

A Better Way

With our system, you'll  be using hourly legal advice. (It's prudent to have any legal contract assessed for any "gotcha's") This hourly legal advice is an excellent way to know what you're signing and to review the documents that you've had prepared by you or  your own paralegal.

At Personal Divorce Advocates, we have several legal sources available to you, and we can help you get the hourly legal advice that you need. By following our recommendations, you end up spending just a few hundred dollars on legal advice instead of tens of thousands of dollars on a worthless lawyer.

You get to handle things the way that YOU want to have them handled -  and you get far more in the end than you ever thought possible.

By the way, we also don't have any 'secret deals' going on with the professionals that we recommend. They're just competent specialists that give you the information that you need without a lot of smoke and mirrors.

To read a letter of what's typical of the kind of thing that's likely to happen when you retain an attorney,  click here.

But my wife has an attorney, and I don't  - Won’t that put me at a HUGE disadvantage?

Absolutely Not!

In fact, just the opposite is true.The family law system is done in a cookie-cutter fashion. They simply have too many cases handle things any other way.

There is no such thing as a Perry Mason type of lawyer cleverly arguing for things in the courtroom that makes the judge say, "A Ha! This man has been totally wronged. We must fix this immediately!" 


That simply doesn't happen, regardless of what you might have been promised by your lawyer at the outset.


However, when your wife has an attorney and you don't, you are  "The other Attorney" that her lawyer has to work with YOU. It's a little scary at first, but we've done it ourselves and will guide you every step of the way. The results are fantastic.


Remember - No one can negotiate for your interests as well as you can! 

Look, life isn't like the TV show 'Law and Order'. There here aren't any slick legal maneuvers that a typical family law attorney has available to him. The family law system is done in an amazingly uncreative and predictable fashion. Family law attorneys are paid to make sure that the legal formalities are followed. That's it.

When you work with your Personal Divorce Advocate,  you get step-by-step details on act as your own attorney and save yourself a ton of money and time. In addition to saving lots of money, you'll get a settlement that will make your friends who used lawyers for their divorce green with jealous envy.

This sounds complicated, is it really as simple as you say?

Yes, it really is simple when you do what you're instructed to do. Notice again that we said 'simple' and we didn't say 'easy'. 

It's not easy keeping your emotions at bay. It's not easy dealing with lonely times.

It's not easy being kind and forgiving when you feel like ringing her neck.

It's also not easy working on what is an uneven playing field. But, we've done this many times and we'll  walk you through it every step of the way.

Our methods, are really really simple to implement and you will be absolutely amazed with the results.

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